Wednesday, January 24, 2007

jaxtr me!

There is a new service out there that is still in the early stages of beta testing called "jaxtr." It was started by one of the founders of LinkedIn. It allows a user to privately post their telephone number online and receive calls from anywhere in the world. Here's how it works:

  1. You create a jaxtr account, registering your phone number (home, work, mobile, etc.)
  2. You add a link to your jaxtr profile online (email signature, blog, webpage, etc.)
  3. Someone clicks on your link and goes to your profile. If they have registered on jaxtr, they can click to call your number, without ever actually seeing the number! If they haven't registered, they will have the opportunity to create a jaxtr account.
  • Receive calls from anywhere in 29 countries.
  • Keep you telephone number private.
  • Change telephone numbers at your convenience - calls will go where you choose.
  • You get 100 free minutes per month of incoming call time.
  • Free voicemail for missed calls.
  • Privacy Shield to help protect against unknown callers (they get sent to voicemail).
So, if your ready to try it, "jaxtr me" by clicking below.

1 comment:

Easyrider72 said...

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