Friday, July 08, 2005


This is my first post to the brand new blog, KinsleyForPrez08! As the name says, I am kicking off my campaign for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. Since I do not feel compelled to join any particular politcal party (Republican and Democrats are too federalistic, Reform and Green Parties are never taken seriously, and Libertarians and Constitutionalists are just considered wackos), I plan to run in the general election as an independent candidate.

My campaign platform really revolves around freedom in this country, or the lack thereof. The federal government has little-by-little taken away pieces of our rights to live free and happy over the last 216 years, and in the last dozen years it has gotten exponentially worse. I believe that our government has infested every part of our lives, including parts that the U.S. Constitution and our founding fathers specifically prohibited them from interfering with. I want the American people to be able to take back control of the federal government and loosen those reigns that it has over us. I want to scale back the enormous federal budget (now standing at $2.568 trillion, yes trillion) to the point where the government spends money on what it should be, AND NOTHING ELSE. I want to work on paying off the gargantuan federal debt (as of yesterday, $7,842,026,166,045.39 or $26,705 per U.S. Citizen) by never, ever spending more than we collect from the taxpayers, and by collecting on the debt owed to the United States by persons, corporations and foreign nations. Finally, I want to alter our foreign policy and reduce our military presence in the world. The United States is a strong nation and as such can contribute much to the world economy, but not by invading third world countries and bullying our allies in the name of "democracy". We should lead by example, by participating in the United Nations (not acting against it), supporting the European Union (not undermining it) and pushing forth treaties that will encourage democracy through diplomacy (not through military force).

In the coming weeks and months, I will post here with additional thoughts and ideas on my campaign, and eventually, unveil my campaign website where I will be able to offer more details on what I will do if elected President. In the meantime, please email me your comments and questions. I will read them and respond either personally or via this blog.


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